Ms Low Ting Min
● Neurofeedback Therapist
● Neurofeedback Master Trainer
● B.A Psychology (NUS)
Research Interest:
Application of neurofeedback protocols for learning and developmental disorders
Application of neurofeedback protocols for epilepsy
Application of neurofeedback protocols for peak performance
Conference Presentation:
1. Two case studies on the use of qEEG based NFB on ASD. (APNA conference 2016)
● NFB should be one of the core therapies in managing this neuro-developmental condition.
● Neuroimaging tools such as qEEG is very useful in understanding this spectrum condition better and to provide guide in NFB treatment plan
2. A case study on Dyslexia. (APNA conference 2015)
● Neurofeedback is instrumental to overcome this learning difficulty that is neurological in origin.
Training Experiences:
● SBCIA Trainer
● Trainer for Spectrum Learning’s Home Training Programme